TamizdatAVAIL provides pro bono assistance to the international performing arts community regarding visas for international artists coming to the U.S. to perform, and regarding issues related to the streaming of live performances.
SHIM:NYC is a creative and professional residency and mentorship program for international musicians who are persecuted or censored for their work.
Through research advocacy and litigation, Tamizdat seeks to make the U.S. artist visa process more affordable, reliable, equitable, and transparent. The cornerstone of this work is Tamizdat's 'White Paper on Artist Mobility to the U.S.,' a pragmatic, strategic, and data driven antidote for the dysfunctions in the U.S.’s artist visa system.
Every year, Tamizdat provides dozens of educational sessions at professional events and conferences, addressing legal issues in international artist mobility.
Join Tamizdat's listserv for real-time updates and conversation regarding international artist mobility.
Tamizdat's Artist Visa Services provides assistance to independent international artists, in collaboration with our affiliated law firm, CoveyLaw.
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