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Tamizdat at Wavelengths Conference: Infrastructure and Investment: We’re Stronger Together

January 10 | 9:30 am - 11:00 am UTC

A check in on the holistic health and sustainability of the performing arts ecosystem with agents, artists, press, legal, funders to understand its moving parts to strengthen them. It looks like tough times ahead but arts workers are always on the frontline of the battle making change, resisting oppression, creating bridges, building partnerships and strengthening community. How can we be mutually supportive to foster, develop resilience, and grow our unique ecosystem? Given the state of turmoil in the world, what will our biggest challenge be and how will we confront them? How can we come together as a community to support artists/arts community efforts, whether it’s big PACs, major funders or independent artists, agents, media and venues. Come away with fresh perspectives and new ideas about who we are and how we need each other at this critical time.

This event takes place at Concourse A in the Hilton Hotel Midtown, New York City.


January 10
9:30 am - 11:00 am UTC


New York Hilton Midtown
1335 Avenue of the Americas at 54th St.
New York,NY10019United States
+ Google Map

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

