Tamizdat’s work is made possible by the support of : 



and the following individuals:

Paula Abreu
Michael Alexander
Monique Allain
Bruce Allardice
Eimear Arkins
Rose & Raymond Aufiero
David Baile
Robert Baird
Kit Baker
Janis Barobs
Nolini Barretto
Rodrigo Borges Barros
Laura Kline Bartels
Catarina Bartha
Jan Bell
Palmer Bradley
Bill Bragin
Amanda Brandes
Dario Briognoli
Helene Broch
Mark Brounen
Robert Browning
Josephine Burton
Anne Calandre
Lian Calvo Serrano
Didier Casnati
Pippa Catling
John Caulkins
Mona Chalabi
Palo Chalupka
Derek Chan
Paul Cheetham
Mabel Chung
Laura Colby
Susana Colina
Yaz Collins
Rachel Cooper
David Coperin
Catherine Coray
Judith & Keith Covey
Matthew Covey
Janet Cowperthwaite
Kevin Crawford
Mayon Crayon
Christopher Crowe
George Cruze
Jeremy Danneman
Shamus Dark
Melanie DeCarolis
Mehmet Dede
Brie de Moll
Lane DeMoll
Valerie Denn
Mina Devadas
David Diamond
John Douglas
Eleanor Dubinsky
Kristy Edmunds
Dan Efram
Erika Elliott
Alex Endy
Aisha Enz
Betsy Fahr Frueh
Rima Fand
Jessica Fekete
Susan Feldman
Lynn Fisher
Eamonn Fox
Sven Friedrich
Boo Froebel
Joanne Froebel
Tom Frouge
Jeffrey Gabel
Ennio Galiani
Vallejo Gantzer
Richard Gehr
Madeline Goldfischer
Jeremy Goldstein
Farzad Golpeyagani
Madeline Gomez
Eva Greene
Mengtong Guan
Oumar Gueye
John Brendan Guinan
Justine Gulledge
Marla Guttman
Naoko Hara
Francesca Harper
Seton Hawkins
Elisabeth Hayes
Stephen Heath
F. John Herbert
Chad Herzog
HFP Music Limited
Christopher Hibma
Philip Himberg
Erlend & Shelby Hjelvik
John Hodian
Sebastian Hoffmann
Alan Holt
Owen Hughes
Erica Hunt
David Ivar
Michael Jaffee
Morgan Jenness
Amy Johnson
Ben Johnson
Emily Johnson
Madeline Joyce
Sheila Katorobo Katumwa
Benjamin Kelly
Govind Kidao
Joanna Klass
Joel Knip
Elise-Ann Konstantin
Ben Kreilkamp
Sheila R Krumholz
John Lambert
Laroo Records
Brad Learmonth
Patrick Lee-Thorp
Jerry Lefkowitz
Harlan Levine
Yaron Lifschitz
David Lobel
Allison Loerke
Martina Lundstrom
Spider MacKenzie
Fabiana Magalhaes
Alanna Maharajah Stone
Jennifer Maidman
Barbara Maier Gustern
Paulina Mandeville
David Mann
Catalina Maria-Johnson
William Martinez
Marco Antonio Vianna Martins
Joey Massa
Mary McBride
Dan McDaniel
Deasrbhla McNulty
Danny Melnick
Ian Menzies
Nicole Merritt Chari
Stacy Meshbane
Alison MF
Max Milendorf
Olga Milendorf
Peta Millgate
MikelaBella Records
Yuki Minakawa
Karel Minarik
Liz Moller
Ross Mollison
Allen Moon
Evelyn Morris
Fabiana Mortari
Heather Mount
Carolyn Muntz
Marcella Murray
Sophie Myrtil-McCourtey
Jessica Newby
Patrick O’Donnell
Paul O’Sullivan
Old Blind Dogs
Eleanor Oldham
Miguel Oliveira
Marissa Oliver
Linnea Olsson
Kerin Doru Ozturkcan
Stephanie Pacheco
Kelly Peelen
Jonathan Pepe
Eric Perlstein
Hanna Pietzcker
Courtney Pike
Daniel Pitchenik
Aimee Plauche
Val Poquette McGovern
Stephen Portolesi
James Protos
Petrit Pula
Laura Quinlan
Randolph C. Rand
Jordan Rathkopf
Matt Reid
Raychel Robbins
Thomas Rome
Susan Rosenberg
Amy Russell
Ali Sachedina
Linda Sachs
Jamie Michael Saint Merat
Sallie Sanders
Birane Sarr
Megan Schardt-Gensberg
Mick Scholefield
John Scott
Scottish Sax Academy
Yatrika Shah-Rais
Kimberly Ayers Shariff
Janis Shen
Michael Sherman
Candy Shirey
Jim Shirey
Sxip Shirey
Samantha Sichel
Robert Simonds
Lake Simons
Justin Snowball
Bill Smith
Harry Smith
J. Smith
Elizabeth Snodgrass
Isabel Soffer
Jill Sternheimer
String Sisters
Davide Rossi Strings
Lay Hoon Tan
Oliver Tarpaga
Danielle Tatlock
Michelle Taylor
Theresa Teague
Andy Teirstein
Shanti & Tom Thake
Laura Thomas
Sally Timms
Judy Tsang
Benjamin Turk
Wendy Vanden Heuvel
Nancy VanKanegan
Bryan Vargas
Sheila Virgil
Beth Wakefield
Erik Wallin
Philip Warthmann
Freya Waterson
Edisa Weeks
Timothy Wei
Carleigh Welsh
Leah Welch
Chris Wells
Matthew Whiteside
Lisa Whytock
Miroslav Wiesner
Brandon Williams
Michelle Willis
Sarah Workneh
Tal Yarden
Justine Gulledge Zegna
Cathy Zimmerman


List current through August 5, 2021

Programs are supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. SHIM:NYC and TamizdatAVAIL are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.




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