Now more than ever, we need the world’s voices.
International artists’ songs and stories are essential—they are the embodiment of cultural exchange, and are a bulwark against xenophobia, racism, and isolationism. But the economics of touring in the US has become increasingly difficult. And skyrocketing visa fees are shutting out many international artists, inhibiting venue curators, and robbing audiences of rich cultural experiences.
Tamizdat has advocated for international artist mobility for decades, alleviating the burdens of the prohibitively complex US visa system through our advocacy work, our petitioner services, and our pro bono legal assistance hotline TamizdatAVAIL.
Today, we are launching the Tamizdat Access Fund, a new grant program that addresses another of the significant barriers to international mobility: exorbitant US artists’ visa fees. Your donation to the Tamizdat Access Fund will directly aid artists and programmers by alleviating these increasingly restrictive fees, clearing away barriers to international artist mobility.
Make your donation to the Tamizdat Access Fund. Keep the arts international!
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