Tamizdat at Mundial Montréal

Tamizdat is excited to take part in the Mundial Mentor Café at Mundial Montréal this November. Learn more about Mundial and get your tickets here!

Tamizdat at APAP: Advocating Post Election: What You Need to Know Now

New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas at 54th St., New York, NY, United States

With a complex range of national, state, and local shifts and issues impacting support and conditions for the arts, arts professionals need up-to-date advice on advocating effectively in the current […]

Tamizdat at APAP: Strategies for Navigating the Current Visa Process

New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas at 54th St., New York, NY, United States

A Panel Featuring: Grace Blake (Programming Director, City Winery NYC) Matthew Covey (Executive Director, Tamizdat & Partner, CoveyLaw) Meiyin Wang (Director of Programming and Producing, NYPAC) Presenting international artists in […]

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